Prochain rendez-vous :
le 21 mars pour Sidragtion

HEAT boys
and girls

From the bar and the communications team to those responsible for management, cleaning and the programming of chefs and events, HEAT is made possible thanks to the work of a committed team of colleagues who can’t wait to see you at 70 Quai Perrache in Lyon!

Join us!


Send us your application
CV + Cover letter !

HEAT is part of
the Arty Farty ecosystem.


HEAT and its sister company TOAST are part of the Arty Farty ecosystem

Founded in Lyon in 1999, Arty Farty is an independent and European not-for-profit cultural association under the French law of 1901, serving young people, emerging culture, democratic renewal, inclusion, diversity and the general interest. A socially committed  structure, Arty Farty offers a space to exchange ideas, arguments and artistic initiatives of a local and European nature.

It campaigns for the renewal of public strategies in the fields of culture, entrepreneurship and democratic practices. Arty Farty believes that greater consideration should be given to culture and young people in the redefining of the European project and the healing of social, territorial and generational divides.

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